; openurl.library - universal URL display and browser launcher library
; Written by Troels Walsted Hansen <troels@thule.no>
; Placed in the public domain.
; Installer script for openurl.library and tools.
(set #exitmsg "\n\nIf you are a developer and wish to use\nopenurl.library, check out the included\ndocumentation and source code.")
; Welcome screen
(welcome "\nThis installer script will install openurl.library and tools.\nopenurl.library is a universal URL display and browser launcher library.")
; Copy files
(prompt "Installing the library")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Libs/openurl.library")
(dest "Libs:")
(prompt "Installing the handler")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "L/OpenURL-Handler")
(dest "L:")
(prompt "Installing the preference program")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Prefs/OpenURL")
(dest "SYS:Prefs")
(prompt "Installing the Popport.mcc MUI class")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Libs/MUI/Popport.mcc")
(dest "MUI:Libs/MUI")
(prompt "Installing the Popplaceholder.mcc MUI class")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Libs/MUI/Popplaceholder.mcc")
(dest "MUI:Libs/MUI")
(prompt "Installing the optional commandline tool")
(help "This is a small tool that allows you to open URLs from the commandline.")
(source "C/OpenURL")
(dest "C:")
(prompt "Installing the optional ARexx OpenURL script")
(help "This is a small example script that opens URLs.")
(source "Rexx/OpenURL.rexx")
(dest "S:")
(exists "ENV:THOR/THORPath")
(prompt "Installing the optional THOR ARexx mailto script")
(help "If you use THOR and wish to use that to handle mailto URLs, install this script. If you install it to directory other than the default, make sure to change it in the OpenURL prefs as well.")